Falling Rocks
We purchase meteorite collections and meteorites for sale
Gary Foote Fundraiser
Item: Harvey Nininger's personal copy of SCIENCE magazine
Nininger Please find below images taken from the April 7, 1961, SCIENCE magazine which has been footnoted on the cover in his handwriting. This example was Harvey Nininger's personal copy, and I'm pleased to offer it for auction via Maria Haas at IMCA as another fundraiser benefitting our fellow member, Gary Foote.

Nininger frequently referenced SCIENCE magazine in his books (for just one example off the top of my head, please see the bottom of p. 189 in Find A Falling Star).

If you have any questions, please contact Maria Haas, and thank you in advance for helping support the Footes in their time of need (all proceeds obviously go to them).

Collection Photos

Front cover of Nininger's 4.7.1961 SCIENCE magazine
Front cover of Nininger's 4.7.1961 SCIENCE magazine
Close-up view of masthead, with Nininger reference
Close-up view of masthead, including "Moon 1045" written at
the top as a reference to an interior article by Nininger himself
(I have several examples of his handwriting and there is no doubt that this is his)
Detail of Nininger's writing from the cover
Detail of Nininger's writing from the cover
Detail of mailing label on magazine reverse
Detail of mailing label on magazine reverse
Start of 6-page article inside the magazine
Start of 6-page article inside the magazine which Nininger was referencing with his note

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